Our first week is done!
I have spent a great deal of time this week learning your child's strengths and areas where they need to improve. This has been an important task of mine this week in order to begin differentiating the curriculum to meet your child's needs.
I have checked:
*letter sound recognition
*beginning and ending sounds
*reading fluency
*fine motor control(coloring, cutting, gluing, writing)
*following directions
*time management
*number recognition
*number printing
*rhyming words
*color sight word recognition
Each child is reading, writing, and working at their own level from emergent to proficient. Each child is required to complete our curriculum regardless of their level. However, I will extend the activity to meet their level. I also expect all students to complete their work neatly.
This week we read the story Chrysanthemum and completed many activities using our names. The children made a flower glyph. Their name was the center portion, the petals for the number of letters in their name, and the leaves for the syllables in their name. Thursday night a homework sheet went home to interview parents about their name.
The children loved stories by the author Kevin Henkes and we read several by this author! Ask your child which was their favorite!
(Owen, Julius, Chrysanthemum, and Jessica)
Other stories we enjoyed; "I Like Myself", "Curious George Goes to School", "A my name is Alice", "First Day Jitters", "Franklin Goes to School", "The Little Engine that Could", and I am sure there are many others which I can not recall!
Friday, Froggy goes home with one lucky child. It is that child's responsibility to take care of Froggy, take him where ever they go (Froggy loves adventures!), and write about it in the accompanying journal. Feel free to send me in pictures of your child with Froggy by email, jessica_carter@scps.k12.fl.us. I can then post them on the blog and tell of Froggy's adventures!
1st grade pod is asking for a $10.00 donation in order to purchase the scholastic weekly reader and fund other activities in the classroom. Please make a check out to Sabal Point Elementary or send in cash. This is a donation and every little bit helps!
Next week, we begin homework. Watch for the homework paper to come home on Monday. This stays in your child's folder all week!
We will also be going to the computer lab on Thursday! We will be completing a great activity that is an extension of something we did this week in the classroom. Be watching for that!
Your child is welcome to bring in a snack. Please see right hand side bar for more detail! Also, send a water bottle for your child to drink throughout the day.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm is Open House! This is a night for parents only, so please keep that in mind. I have a half hour to go over many things. Please be prompt! See you then! :o)Questions, comments, concerns? Email me jessica_carter@scps.k12.fl.us