The children had such fun learning about the Wizard of Oz. They did not fear the witch or the tornado. I imagine it is because the graphics are so "old fashioned" .
The children began the morning a few weeks ago with a melted witch in the middle of the hall.
I read the pop up book in the middle. It is phenomenal and wonderful for holding firsties attention!
Enter at your own risk!
Mrs. Carter: What are those things on your wrists?
J: protect my wrists as I am writing. My wrists get sore ya know!
Tornado research and experiment.
The children LOVED this! I had a box of 96 crayons and they picked them and wrote their names! They seriously LOVED this! :o)
Brainstorming prior to reading about rainbows.
Another activity that seems too young for them. NOT!!! They had a ball!
Learned about weather, tornadoes, clouds, rainbows, and spring.
We did a lot of brainstorming and I was shocked how much the students knew prior to reading about the heart!
The cowardly lion needed courage. Our class has a lot of courage!
I loved bringing this "fairy tale" to life for your children. Many had never heard of it.