Wednesday, April 27, 2011

B is for Bubble Gum!

 We chewed sugar free gum, listened to the story Trouble Gum, tried to learn to blow bubbles, and wrote a paragraph on how to blow a bubble.
  The children were so excited about this!  This is one of the reasons I love teaching! 
 Something so simple could be so enjoyable.  Next time...I will not say, spit out your gum in the garbage and let's chew another one.
  Oh, you can bet I will say let's chew another one. 
 BUT, I will not say...spit it out...there was more spit on the wall than in the garbage.  Choose your words carefully people....choose your words carefully!


1 comment:

  1. I am a bubble gum historian who is always on the hunt for new material on the subject.
    Here's a website that should come in handy the next time you're teaching your students about bubble gum blowing:

    Here's the classic 'Sesame Street' film that sums it all up:


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