Let me set the stage:
We have been studying animals. We classified animals on Brainpop,jr.com and found out how animals camouflage themselves. We read the second lesson today in Chapter 8 of our science books. It just so happened we were discussing parts of animals and insects. I transitioned from the science book smoothly and passed out a worksheet about insect parts. I drew my own insect on the board and I labeled it with the appropriate parts. We completed the worksheet and set it aside in our take home folder. When I asked the children to take out their writer's workshop journals the magic happened. I made up a funny statement about my insect. I briefly described what I wanted the children to produce(an insect with the appropriate parts, labeled, and given a voice) and it was all I could do to contain the creativity and knowledge that exploded from your children! As a matter of fact, I put no constraints on the creativity other than it could not be violent...other than a little bug juice! :o) The children are beginning to write sentences beautifully, but that is not what I wanted today. I wanted labels, I wanted detail, and I wanted voice. They gave it to me!
There were speech bubbles and
Then, we moved on to patterning in math.
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