“*Dr. Kenneth Zike has said that at least 50% of the children with learning problems referred to the neurological clinic at his hospital had had no traumas, no birth injuries, and no other physical deviations. Their trouble seemed to come from pressure - pressure to do a task that they did not have the maturity to do.”

~Borrowed from Robert Jackson on the world wide web.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fairy Tale Readers Theater

What a wonderful morning in First Grade!  The boys and girls did a wonderful job.   Regretfully, nerves took over some of the children and their incredible voice and character they brought to their reading was lost.  ...and they still did an AMAZING JOB!!!
I want to personally thank you for taking the time to come into school and support your children.  You made this day incredibly special to them!

I am sorry I did not get more pictures.  I definitely wanted to make sure I took video of each presentation.

Red Riding Hood

Three Grumpy Bears


Three Pigs

It is such a pleasure to teach your children!
PS:  Please send me your photos.  I had just this one.  If your video is better than mine...pass it along! :o)

E is for Extra Recess!


  1. Thanks for inspiring others to do Readers Theater! Wish I could have seen this performance, too.

  2. Hello! Do you have a copy of the reader's theater you used for each group? Would love to try something like this with my K class! My email is cabrown@tsc.k12.in.us

    Thank you!
    Claire Brown

  3. I absolutely love this! I would love a copy of the reader's theater you used with each group. My e-mail is ann.hamilton@jesamine.kyschools.us if you don't mind sending it to me. Thank you! Ann Hamlton


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