“*Dr. Kenneth Zike has said that at least 50% of the children with learning problems referred to the neurological clinic at his hospital had had no traumas, no birth injuries, and no other physical deviations. Their trouble seemed to come from pressure - pressure to do a task that they did not have the maturity to do.”

~Borrowed from Robert Jackson on the world wide web.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Froggy's fun weekend!

He was so shy to have his picture taken!

(Turn your volume up!)

I was very sorry when I realized that Daniel had done all of the writing in the journal for Froggy. You are more than welcome to help your child write what you did. This is to be an enjoyable activity for the child and their family, not a dreaded writing assignment! Forgive me for not making that more clear! Great job Daniel for doing that all on your own!

What a great day we had today! The children are more familiar with the flow of our routine and what is expected. Remember tomorrow is Early Day.

Just to let you all know:
A bug is going around my class. Yes, already!!! I was just at the doctors myself today for a bad cough, laryngitis, and sore lungs. A Z Pack will have me back in the saddle no problem tomorrow. 4 children were out today sick. I am going to ask you again to remind your children to wash those hands and to keep them away from their eyes, nose, and mouth. We have a lot of children who have a habit of picking their noses. I know it just sounds kind of gross. I remind them to get a tissue and wash their hands. Best advice I could give is for them to not pick their nose. We have NOT had an outbreak of the H1N1 at our school and I hope to keep it that way!
If your child is ill. Keep them home. I will have all of their work ready for them.

Today, we had fun with our new reading story, Sam and the Bag. It is about a cat who plays with a bag, and learns a valuable lesson! We continue to work on short a sound, sight words, and correct sentence structure. They are getting it!
Check it out!

Here are some of the finished products!

The children had a ball working on these.

I even heard some of them saying, "Sometimes seat work can be so much fun!" I am wondering what was not fun? hahaha


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