“*Dr. Kenneth Zike has said that at least 50% of the children with learning problems referred to the neurological clinic at his hospital had had no traumas, no birth injuries, and no other physical deviations. Their trouble seemed to come from pressure - pressure to do a task that they did not have the maturity to do.”

~Borrowed from Robert Jackson on the world wide web.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Open House

*Thank you very much for the turnout at Open House on Tuesday.  Your support is greatly appreciated!
*PTA is wanting to change to a paperless newsletter. If you would like me to add your email to the list, please contact me and give me your email address you would prefer to receive it. If you signed the form at Open House, disregard this request.
*Please sign the discipline policy with your child and return to me.  It was in your orange owl folder at Open House.  THANKS!
*Your Donations from my wishlist help make this classroom run smoothly.  I appreciate your support in this area!
If you missed Open House or need a refresher(I know I can talk fast...and talk...and talk, here is the outline from the power point.
If you have any questions, contact me.

Welcome to Open House

Mrs. Carter’s 1st Grade Class
Daily Routine
8:35-8:45 Prepare for the Day
8:45-10:15 Reading Workshop
10:15-10:55 Small Groups/Guided Reading
10:55-11:25 Lunch
11:35-12:15 PAM- Music (Mon.) P.E. (T, Th, F) Art (Wed.)
12:15-1:00 Math
1:00-1:45 Writing/ Social Studies/Science
1:30-2:00 Recess and Teacher
directed PE
1:45-2:45 Choices
2:50-3:00 Dismissal

Class Rules
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Raise your hand before speaking.
Remain in your seat while working.
Respect your friends and use good manners.
Listen while someone else is talking.

Behavior System
Clip Chart
Positive Reinforcement
Phone Calls and Notes to parents
* Administration will be involved as a last resort.

S’s and N’s assigned as grades.
S = 70% and up
N = 69% and below
Grade is recorded if noted as a number over a number (e.g. 10/10)
P.A.M gives S’s and N’s
% will go on all graded papers(I want you to be aware of where they are at on the % scale.)

Homework Sheet
Your child will place a new homework sheet in front of their green take home folder every Monday. Please check it daily.
The green folder is taken home everyday and needs
to be checked for notes and class assignments. Please return to school the next day. 

Once students finish AR books, they have the opportunity to test their comprehension of the book via the AR program.
Points from the AR quizzes are not a part of the student’s Reading grade.
AR tests can only be taken after all Kindergarten site words are memorized.
AR is currently out of order.

Field Trips
1 fall fieldtrip TBD
Must be a registered dividend through the SCPS website
to be considered as a chaperone.
1 spring fieldtrip TBD

Birthday treats for the class
Birthday book available through Mrs. Brown in the media center
Honored in the classroom

Dividend Support
Listen to children read: M-W 10:00 - 10:45 am
Book Checkout (time TBD)
Super Science (time TBD)
ART SEE program (time TBD)

Parents and How You Can Help
Activity Donation $10 (Scholastic News, end of year party)
Dividend Form
Encourage your child to READ
Study for Reading and Spelling Tests
Check take home folder every day for homework
Reinforce School Procedures and Attendance

Red Plate
It was a time honored tradition among American families that when someone deserved special praise or attention they were served dinner on the red plate. Watch for this!

More Information:
Water bottles acceptable in the classroom (no Gatorade or juices)
Snack after recess, please supply a snack for your child daily.
Scholastic Book Orders, coming home soon. 
Math Homework-book stays at home, rip out homework pages and return to school


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